Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ever wonder how fabric is made?

I sell a lot of Robert Kaufman fabrics.  I love their quality as well as their customer service.  This video was taken by Ken Kaufman with his iPhone. I thought it was fascinating- enjoy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December Giveaway Winner- Happy cottage Quilter!

The RNG has sellected the winner of the lavender sachets..... The Happy Cottage Quilter!  She has 2 blogs- one called the Happy Cottage Quilter (about quilting and sewing) and one called Just a Little Southern Hospitality (about cooking, decorating and entertaining- and her wonderful teacup collection).  I just mush all of my posts into one blog but hers are super nicely organized into the 2 blogs.  They're both nice reads with lots of extras on the sidebars- check them out!

Congrats to the Happy Cottage Quilter and Happy New Year to everyone!  I'll have a new giveaway posted later this week.