Nancy (whose blog is "A Little Bit of Heaven") is the winner of the Serendipity Sunflower goodies. Nancy- send me an email with your mailing address and I'll ship it right out to you!
I looked at your blog, Nancy. You posted that you are stuck for inspiration. Well-- let's hope this gets you un-stuck! I think you could take a section of this pattern and make a pretty little table runner with the fat quarters I'm sending. With that little project, you'll be on a roll!
Thanks to ALL who commented on my website. I will definitely take the information you gave and make good use of it. I will be incorporating some of your suggestions, and keeping the rest in mind for future modifications. Of course, nobody can please everyone, but I honestly do want to listen to customers and make the website as user-friendly as I can. Some changes are not practical, or so says my ace web guy. Your comments have been most enlightening and I thank you all. And by the way- there is never an expiration date on this offer- please, please, please always feel free to comment on the website- good, bad, or indifferent! Thanks, again- My blog readers are the best blog readers in all the land!!!!
Wow that cake decorating shop looks awesome - I'm a little bit jealous :P. All the cake decorating stores in the US seem to have so much more interesting stock than here in Aus - you are lucky!
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