I've been a baaaad blogger. I haven't posted for months! So much has happened and I have so much to share. We cleaned out, renovated, and sold 2 houses (one on the east coast and one on the west coast), we drove to New Jersey (from Oregon) to pick some things up from my late father in law's house, I've been knee-deep in a HUGE sewing project, and I was in a multi car accident (I'm ok). There's so much to blog about! Sprinkle in some quilting and a few recipes, and I won' be at a loss for anything to blog about for a long time. With so much going on, I've just had to prioritize and have not had time to devote to the blog. I'm going to be regular again, though.
So- let's start with a give away! I'm giving away a Wave Edge Ruler and a Wave Lotus pattern. These rulers are really cool. You can use it for a wavy edging or for wavy seams within the pattern. The pattern included in the giveaway will get you going, and there are complete directions included with the ruler.
To be entered- all you have to do is ask. Reply to this post, OR send me an email. Either way- just tell me you would like to be entered in the giveaway and I'll put your name in the hat. For a SECOND entry, send me a picture of your latest project. And, if it's made out of Boy Scout Fabric or Girl Scout Fabric, you get a third entry. This is low tech. I put your name on a piece of paper, fold it, put it in a bowl, and ask someone to draw. I was once asked if a previous winner could win again. Sure! International entries are welcome, too.
Good luck!
Glad to see tha your back. I hope no one was seriously injured in the car accident. Condolances on your father- in- law,
Please enter me in your giveaway.
I haven't posted on my blog in two months either! I sure need to do that soon. Please enter me also.
I am glad you are back and OK. I hope you have time to blog more, I missed you. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Glad to see you're blogging again! I definitely want to be entered in the giveaway. That ruler looks like fun!
Sounds like you've been busy! I'm glad you're ok though. Please enter me in your giveaway. ;-)
Wow, i'm glad you are okay. My Hubby was just in an accident yesterday but no one was really hurt, Thank God!
Please enter me in your give-a-way. I've always wanted to try the Waveruler.
Cleary k.
Just catching up with you this way!
Just saw your giveaway! I hope I am not to late to get an entry. Thanks!
Oh my goodness, I missed this post about your giveaway! Thanks for entering me in your great giveaway :-)
You certainly have been very busy. But happy to see you back and know all is ok. I think these "bumps" in lives happen and the are valid reasons to consume your time. But do take care of yourself too!
You have really had a busy time. Hope you can relax and get rested now. I'd love to be in your giveaway and have the chance to win,
Lotta in Swedendumsh
What an interesting ruler . . . I've never seen one of those! Please count me in. - Marlene
I have always wanted to try that ruler but I've never put the time aside to really investigate it. How fun would it be to being the new year with a new trick.
This is my comment....I'll post a photo of my latest project....and how lucky am I??? I have started using my boy scout fabric too....I'll have to come back soon because I've got to finish my breakfast first...LOL
Good to see you up and running again. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I gave this ruler away, and would like another! Thanks
Count me in, please. Thanks for the chance!
Thanks to all who have entered. If you haven't sent me a picture, you can get a second entry by doing so. The drawing will be on December 15th, 2009.
Welcome back!, please enter me in your giveaway, I'd like to try the ruler, we can't get that here :(, I'll send you a pic of my last project, but I don't have any boy scout fabric I guess...
Thank goodness you're ok. What a major ton of stress to deal with in such a short period of time. I'm sorry for your loss. I would love to be entered in your giveaway BTW. Thanks and glad you're back in action.
Welcome Back!! Life can get in the way sometimes! Glad to see everyone is fine. Thanks for the giveaway, enter me too please.
I'm so glad you have this giveaway lasting a bit longer so I could sneak my name in! I've always wanted to try this! Hope you'll visit me too!
Thanks for counting me in, Sue. I was looking through your blog for the first time and I just love that cable bag!
Glad to see there are others chiming in this late. Hope I made the deadline too. Always ready for a new ruler and technique.
Thanks to all who entered the giveaway and for all the great photos of your quilts! Keep them coming- the drawing is on the 12/15/09. Then, I'll post another giveaway for the last 2 weeks of the month... not sure what it will be yet.... hmmmmmm.....
Please enter me.
The only boy scout project I've been doing is sewing badges onto GS's shirt. too bad that doesn't count.
Merry Christmas
I have enjoyed all of the quilts! Please enter me.
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