Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Giveaway

This is a short one- just running 11 days. I'll draw the winner on New Years' Day, so be sure to get your name in by New Years' Eve.

The draw is for Jennifer Chiaverini's book, "The Runaway Quilt", and 5 VERY colorful fat quarters. I had to take a second picture of the FQ's spread apart because they all blended together in the first picture! Pair these with some "quieter" fabrics for a striking project!

If you're not familiar with Jennifer's books, they are novels about the very gripping lives of a fictional group of quilters. Very popular!

For one entry, comment on this post and just tell me you want to be entered. If you don't like to comment on blogs, just send me an email.
You will receive a second entry if you are a follower of this blog.
You will receive a third entry if you have a blog of your own and tell your readers about this giveaway.
And a 4th entry if you blog about my Strips n' Curves templates that are on special.
Want a 5th entry? Send me a picture of a Strips n' Curves quilt (no-- you can't copy one out of the book- but you can talk someone else into letting you take a picture of theirs!)

AND... speaking of wonderful giveaways, I read Micki's blog, called Irish Muses. Micki and I have an email conversation going-- we both grew up in Philadelphia, both lived in Texas, and now she is in Ireland and I am in Oregon... both very green places! I am of Irish heritage and Micki now lives very close to my family in Ireland. The internet certainly makes this a small world! She is having a wonderful Christmas giveaway. Check it out.


Terry said...

Great giveaway! I LOVE those fabrics!! Give me two entries for commenting and one for following. Thank you! :0)

lesthook said...

The fat quarters are great and I would love to read that book! I am also a follower.

Pokey said...

Thank you, Sue! Here you are tempting us again with your fun giveaways. I LOVE brights, I am a follower, too. Merry Christmas to you and yours, love, pokey

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a great giveaway! I am already a follower. Thanks for entering me in your New Years giveaway :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue! You are so generous with the giveaways, thanks! I'm always ready for a good read, and those FQ's would be great in a quilt for my grandson.
I follow you (of course), and I blogged about the giveaway and the template sale over at
Merry Christmas and lots of happiness in the new year.

Sue said...

WOW! I go out shopping for a few hours and come home to a bunch of comments! I have you all entered with your appropriate number of entries. Thank you all for reading!

Dorinda said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to read the book and the fat quarters are beautiful. I'm also following your blog.

Nancy said...

Please enter me!

Nancy said...

I follow your blog!

Barb said...

Yes!!!! I want to be entered....I thought I was a follower but wrong!!!!! but you bet your bottom bippy that I am now....thanks for this wonderful giveaway...and I will post and mention your sale. Look on the left hand side of my postings.

arlette said...

I'd like to be entered, I'm already your follower

Joanne Lendaro said...

Cool Giveaway! Please enter my name, I'm a follower too!! Have a Very
Merry Christmas!!

Brenda said...

Would love to win these cheerful fabrics. Great book -- read library copy but would love to own my own. Whole series is good.

No blog, but I am a follower!

Happy Holidays to all of you.

Needled Mom said...

What a nice giveaway. I am a new follower of Micki's blog and enjoy her.

Please count me for two entries as I am a new follower of Alderwood Quilts thanks to the fabulous quilts made on Exuberant Colors. Her strip curve quilts are awesome.

Laura T said...

Fun give-a=Way. I've blogged about your blog here:, I'm a follower, and I've blogged about the sale! Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Laura T

Shirley said...

What colourful fabric! Are you taking international entries?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I'd love to be entered in your great Give-Away. Does a NEW follower count for an additional entry? I just found out about your blog from Wanda Hanson & I'm already a follower.
Phyllis in Burbank

Rita said...

I wish for you a happy,healthy and peaceful Christmas, along with a New Year filled with good fortune.

And, of course, I like to win things too!

Jill said...

I just found your blog from a post on
and now I am a follower as well!
I love those fat quarters! They are totally "me" I love bright fabrics!
I blogged about your giveaway today on my blog and I hope you will come take a look

and maybe follow me as well! I will email you a picture of my Strips n Curves quilt!

sosarahsew said...

What a cool give-away! It is a bright way to look at the new year.


sosarahsew said...

I just became a follower.


sosarahsew said...

I'll send you picture of the Strips and Curves quilt I made in a class with Wanda (Exuberant Color)!

NewFarmChick said...

Great giveaway! Awesome fabric. Thank you!

Amy said...

Please enter me too, and I just joined as a follower...thanks!

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the giveaway! Love reading your blog!

Unknown said...

Just became a follower. Can't believe I wasn't following before!
Merry Christmas!

Betsy said...

I would love to be entered. I have always seen the books but never read them.

Gene Black said...

Oooh...I love love LOVE those bright colored fat quarters. AND I read a lot so a quilt related novel would be a real joy to me.

Enter me for a comment

Gene Black said...

I am also following you now.

I really came over because Wanda (exuberant color) posted about the strips and curves templates. The giveaway was a wonderful surprise.

Micki is an online friend of mine also. So following your blog seems like a great idea to me!

Gene Black said...

I blogged about it at

So put me in for a third entry.

Gene Black said...

I also blogged about the STrips and Curves. Entry #4

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I love reading the books that are about quilters. It makes me feel as though I'm part of their quilting group. Please enter my name in the hat - great giveaway!


Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'm a follower.


free indeed said...

I've heard much about this author, but never have read any of her books..our library doesn't carry them. I'd like to have a nice read for the winter days ahead. I'm a follower too!

Anya said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

kj said...

I could go crazy with the fat quarters you have posted today. I have taken the strips and curves class with Wanda as my teacher. Lucky me.
I have used the templates to make 3 or 4 strips and curves. And the fabric is waiting for the next strips and curves. I'll start it Christmas evening!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Please enter me into your wonderful give away! said...

Well, Gene said NOT to come check out your giveaway 'cause he thought he'd win but I had to come check out what you had and lemme tell you...I just had to post here and tell you how wonderful those fabrics are!!!
Peggy in NJ

Micki said...

I love your giveaway. My favorite quilt that I ever made was the Sylvia Bridal Sampler. I posted about it and included a pic of the quilt in the post that shows strips and curves, and I am a folloer. I will cross my fingers.LOL

cottonreel said...

I received a Kaffe Fasset book today in the post . A lovely pickle dish quilt on the front . I had a bag of strips just waiting to be used . I,ve been machining all afternoon, bliss----------------cottonreel

Colleen said...

Hi Sue, I am following your blog. I love the Elm Creek series. I am working my way throught Sylvia's Bridal Sampler. I also follow Micki. LOve her blog.

Chere said...

I love your colorful fabric and would love to read that book so please enter me in the giveaway.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I love those wild and crazy fabrics :>

Doina said...

Great giveaway! I follow and I put your picture on my sidebar.

Julia said...

What a nice giveaway.
Please count me for two entries as I am a new follower here of Alderwood Quilts..
I have just read two of these books, and loved them i had to pop over and enter.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sue...
How wonderful, while blog hopping today I found your beautiful blog. I was so tickled to find out that you were having a giveaway and than you had quilting supplies. I would so love these fabrics and this book of many talents.

Please stop by and say hi when you can. I love the company. I have signed up to follow your blog. I can't wait to see what you share next. Please pop over and sign up to follow my blog as well. I would be so honored. Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

Judy S. said...

What great colors you're giving away! And a wonderful book as well. I just became a follower and will have to figure out where you are located so I can visit in person next time we head south. Merry Christmas from your neighbor to the north! (I found you through Micki's blog.)

Sue Cahill said...

Of course I am a follower and of course I want to be entered. by the way, I owe you a photo of the Project Linus quilt I made with the flannels you sent. Life has been crazy so I'm hoping for some quiet time in January to catch up on such things.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

BROOKE said...

I want to be entered! I love quilts and I love books. I know my husband would steal away the Fq's if I won...

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

Hi Sue, Micki sent me over, what a great gal huh! The fat 1/4s look great, and that book is amazing, what a great read that is I am sure! I am a follower now!!

Deanna said...

I enjoy the Elm Creek books and love brights--why build a ho-hum quilt?

Anonymous said...

The fat quarters are so cool and I love to read that book! The colours are stunning.
I am also a follower

deserae said...

Deserae Fiedler please enter me!

VickyB said...

Super give away! Love the fat quarters. Would be thrilled to be the lucky person. Two entries, one for comment, one for follower.

Kath said...

Love the fabrics. 2 entries for me too please. best wishes from snowy England

Maria said...

Great giveaway, can you please enter me twice I have become a follower as well.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful - this looks like such fun - please enter me.

Kim Reid said...

Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway, I am a follower!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hello Sue...came to you by way of Micki!!! Congratulations on winning the giveaway at Micki's blog!!! Yes please enter me in your wonderful giveaway...I have just finished reading the Cross Country Quilter...I have become a Follower and will put you on my blog. Merry Christmas to you, Dzintra♥x

Bridget B said...

Thanks for having a giveaway.Really like her fabrics-also Jennifers books. Our Guild buys them for our library. I am also now a follower of your blog.

KQ Sue said...

I love the FQ. I never can find Jennifer C's books at the used book store I shop at. Would love to have the book. I follow your blog.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a fun giveaway! Great FQ's!

I'm a follower now too. :-)

Zlaty said...

Great giveaway! Thank you for your generous gift!

Merry Christmas!

Rosa Robichaud said...

I would LOVE to win a Jennifer book!!! I haven't had the opportunity to read even ONE of them, yet! *grin*

Tks for adding my name in your hat!

Rosa Robichaud

Anonymous said...

Lovely fabrics :) - and merry christmas to you!

SheilaC said...

beautiful fabric! Thank you for the opportunity to enter


Gill said...

great giveaway - i came over from irish muses!
gill x

Debbie said...

I love those fabrics, Sue! Please count me in.

Debbie said...

I am a follower

Larisa said...

Hello Sue!!I like your blog. I became a follower already.
Many thanks for the chance to win this nice candy. I like these fabrics a lot!!!!I linked it on sidebar. Many hugs from Larisa

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
quiltmom anna said...

HI Sue,
I posted about your templates sale and a note about your giveaway as well on today's post.
You can find it here:
Happy New Year.
Warmest regards,

Nanbon44 said...

I wish I would have found this in time for the drawing. Good luck to everyone.