Saturday, February 14, 2009


I'm taking a cake decorating class with my daughter-in-law. Aside from having 10 pounds of buttercream frosting in my refrigerator, it's a BLAST! The first cake we made was a baby carriage, and I forgot (DARN!) to take a picture of it.The second cake was a doll. Since it was Valentine's week, I made it in red, pink and white. Since my DH and I are empty nesters and our "kids" are grown men, I was at a bit of a loss to know what to do with a doll cake... until I learned that my friend was hosting a tea party on Valentine's Day with her 9-year-old daughter for her girl scout troop. Yippie! A good home for my doll cake!

I attempted a bustle in the back, which turned out more like a lump of frosting, but that was ok. The roses got better as I went. Some don't look much like roses. I now have a healthy respect for people who can whip out butter cream roses!

Next week, we're making frosting clowns. If they look anything like clowns, I'll show them to you. :-)